starry ceilings in maryland - Starscapes Ceiling Muralsstars in tray ceiling

Stargazing Ceiling Murals by Maryland Artist

starscapes ceiling murals Let me transform your boring ceiling into the most beautiful starry night sky you will ever see!

starscapes ceiling murals by Cosmic Rooms
Comprehensive list of starscapes themes I offer plus some that are exclusive to Cosmic Rooms
Photos of starscapes I've created
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Contact me to schedule your starscapes painting

       star murals
"Nice Job! Looks great! It really DOES look like the nightsky when we go camping out in the mountains! Can't wait to show this to my boyfriend so we can *romance* under the stars tonight!" Lisa P.

         starry sky

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Highest quality paints for ease of viewing!
Star Posters Now Available - makes a great gift this holiday!
        starscapes stars

Relax Under the Stars Every Night!

shooting stars
starscapes Imagine for a moment... you are stargazing under the most spectacular view of the night sky but instead of being outside on the cold hard ground looking up, you are relaxing in the comforts of your own warm bed...

Ahhh, it's another Perfect Clear Night for Stargazing in Bed when you have
one of my AMAZING Star-filled custom hand-painted murals...

Stargazing in bed IS possible!

Each and every night, a beautiful night sky awaits you!

It's simply beautiful...
click image below to view in larger simulation (891kb)

click to view this bedroom in a before and after view of the star mural
You're about to discover the secrets to Relaxation, Inspiration, and Romance...not to mention a Great Night Sleep!

My mural paintings are great for Adults, even better for kids! EVERY Kid LOVES Stars! My Cosmic Rooms are an Excellent choice as a mural for kids rooms because it will grow with a child through the many themes and stages of their development.


Cosmic Rooms offers 3-Dimensional Glow-in-the-dark Ceiling Mural of the night sky, with thousands of realistic looking stars! Virtually invisible during the day, simply flip off your lights at night and gasp at the amazing view of the universe high above's as though your regular ceiling has been removed and replaced with a glass ceiling! An exquisite Trompe L'oeil masterpiece based in the tradition of Old World fresco artists; it's truly a Magical, One-of-a-kind Experience that will take your breath away!

Hi, my name is Jean Eng and I have been painting stars since 2003 for Maryland and surrounding areas. Without revealing any Confidential Proprietary Information, I am a mural artist who paints stargazing ceiling murals in your home or business. Utilizing a Top Secret Process, I am able to replicate the mystery of the night sky as it was meant to be seen, untainted by smog, unobstructed by city lights, the vast universe in all its glory just for you, your very own "Personal Night Sky", if you will!

Each star is custom painted by hand and are unseen during the day (virtually invisible) or when room lights are on but at night, thousands of stars appear, as if by magic, to create a 3-dimensional view of the most amazing and inspiring starry sky you have ever seen!

Click the images below for a quick look at some star-filled rooms.

click to view this bedroom in a before and after view of the star mural click to view this living room in a before and after view of the starry ceiling mural click to view this guest bedroom in a before and after view of the starscapes mural

You too can have this "One of a Kind" Stargazing Ceiling Treatment installed in your home today. Not only is this a wonderful way to ease stress and relax you while you drift peacefully to sleep...a Cosmic Rooms Mural is also a fantastic conversational piece! Show it off to family and friends and have them oohing and aahing at your masterpiece and wishing they had one in their own homes as well!

Cosmic Rooms Stargazing Murals are Great for:

Relaxation Stress Relieving Romance Meditation Stargazing
Easing Sleep Insomnia Inspire Learning Night Light for Kids Gift Giving Soothing "fear of the dark"

Cosmic Rooms Stargazing Murals are Amazing in:

Bedrooms Entertainment Rooms Game Rooms Spas
Massage Rooms Home Theatres Movie Rooms Vacation Rentals
Hotels & Motel Rooms Bed & Breakfasts Resorts Any Room Imaginable

Cosmic Rooms Stargazing Murals are Perfect for:

Kids of all ages - especially young children and teens Parents - makes a great mother's day and father's day gift
Professionals - help ease everyday work stress Insomniacs - a calm sleeping aid with a soothing, drowsy effect
Newly Weds - your honeymoon will never end Romantics - make love under the stars
Astronomy Enthusiasts - get the beauty you already love indoors, no more cloudy nights Anyone who is bedridden or lack mobility - gives a sense of freedom and escape
Creative Types - be inspired by the stars in any artistic pursuit A Kid at Heart - be in touch with your inner child once again with stargazing
starscapes twinkling star

Read a few other ways my murals can
enhance your home and your life
read more about my starry murals
mural paintings
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Cosmic Rooms News:
In honor of Dr Wayne Dyer, a great spiritual teacher who had tremendous influence on my life, he now shines brightly in the night sky watching over all of us :) Every mural I paint will now include for free a very large bright flared out star which I shall call the Dedication/ Guardian Star. For me I will affectionately call it the Wayne Dyer star but you can dedicate that star to represent anyone who was important to you that have passed away and is now lighting a sparkling path for the rest of your journey in this lifetime. My gift to you for your any size mural purchase from September 2015 to eternity...

Get your mini Cosmic Rooms' version of the universe in a portable clear film Cosmic Poster overlay - Contact me for more info and pricing!

6/1/21: For the past 1.5 years, Covid pandemic has made it nearly impossible for myself and other small businesses to go out and provide the services we have chosen as our craft. Now that the state of Maryland has pretty much open back up, painting will slowly resume. If you have contacted me in the past year about a mural, I apologize for the delay in servicing you. The state of our country in the past year has left me in a rather uninspired mood. In order to create the best rendition of the universe for my customers, I need inspiration and calmness as my mood translates into my art. Just facts. If you are still interested, please recontact me using my contact form and let me know what you have in mind. Alternatively, you can always call and leave a voice mail or even send me a text message to my number and I'll respond as soon as I'm available. Thank you for your understanding and continued interest in my art.

"WOW! Just Amazing!! We have had several of our family members just ooh and ahh about it. You did such a wonderful job!! I know that we will put your name out there for anyone that is interested!" Cari D.
kids murals           twinkling starscapes

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Copyright © 2003-2022 by Jean Eng & Cosmic Rooms. All Rights Reserved.
No part of this website is permissible for duplication in any form.

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last updated on Thursday, 29-Oct-2020 23:51:01 EDT to the top