"Your work is amazing. The boys just love the stars and I do too! I have to admit I sneak in there every chance I get to just peak at the peaceful night sky." Desiree H.
Due to photographic limitations, the photos here do not fully represent the realism of the murals in plain sight, my Cosmic Rooms really needs to be witnessed first hand and experience in real life. I encourage you to schedule a free in-home demonstration so you can see for yourself a truer view of my stargazing murals.
I have recently changed the layout of my photo sections. If you encounter any problems with being able to click on the thumbnail images and seeing the larger photos, it may be that you have disabled javascripts on your browser. Please turn javascripts on for your viewing pleasure. Enjoy! More photos will come.
Night Time Cosmic Rooms Stargazing Mural Photos
Actual photos of my Cosmic Rooms artwork, © copyright by Jean Eng
Day Time Cosmic Rooms Clouds Mural Photos
Whimsical clouds photographed in different lighting conditions, © copyright by Jean Eng
Day/Night Mouseover Pages
Click each image to go to the photopages with mouseover day/night views
More to come...
Cosmic Rooms News:
In honor of Dr Wayne Dyer, a great spiritual teacher who had tremendous influence on my life, he now shines brightly in the night sky watching over all of us :) Every mural I paint will now include for free a very large bright flared out star which I shall call the Dedication/ Guardian Star. For me I will affectionately call it the Wayne Dyer star but you can dedicate that star to represent anyone who was important to you that have passed away and is now lighting a sparkling path for the rest of your journey in this lifetime. My gift to you for your any size mural purchase from September 2015 to eternity...
Get your mini Cosmic Rooms' version of the universe in a portable clear film Cosmic Poster overlay - Contact me for more info and pricing!
6/1/21: For the past 1.5 years, Covid pandemic has made it nearly impossible for myself and other small businesses to go out and provide the services we have chosen as our craft. Now that the state of Maryland has pretty much open back up, painting will slowly resume. If you have contacted me in the past year about a mural, I apologize for the delay in servicing you. The state of our country in the past year has left me in a rather uninspired mood. In order to create the best rendition of the universe for my customers, I need inspiration and calmness as my mood translates into my art. Just facts. If you are still interested, please recontact me using my contact form and let me know what you have in mind. Alternatively, you can always call and leave a voice mail or even send me a text message to my number and I'll respond as soon as I'm available. Thank you for your understanding and continued interest in my art.
"You did a beautiful job on the ceiling, I wish I had the money to get the entire house done!" Maria F.